Maybe lady luck has been on your side thus far when it comes to evolved CryptoWall 4.0 attacks, but don’t breathe a sigh of relief just yet. Without secure backup solutions, you very well could be next.
Ransomware has evolved, cybercriminals are becoming increasingly meticulous, and businesses aren’t keeping up. This just isn’t good business sense; with each new threat evolving and rising, you can be in some serious trouble. CryptoWall 4.0 can infect your systems, and force you to pay a ransom for your own hard earned work. Not all cybercriminals are true to their word though; your ransom could end up getting you nothing but empty pockets in return.
CryptoWall 4.0 infiltrates your systems through:
Your employees need to be made aware of these threats and to be on the lookout for anything suspicious. If something seems out of place or someone has opened something they probably shouldn’t have, immediate attention needs to be drawn in order to save your crucial data.
Confiscate & Isolate the System/Workstation
Restore Infected Files
Ransomware might have a script set in place to automatically delete your files if its own are being removed. Proceed with caution and never try to remove the infection manually.
Prevention Tactics
Backup, Backup, Backup.
Always backup your systems and files, every day, on-site and off-site. Backups can be the difference between losing everything and saving everything. What good is a business if it’s not secure? You want everything you’ve ever worked towards to be safe; that’s exactly what we can do for you.
How we do it:
If you say YES to the security and protection your business deserves, and NO to Cybercriminals and their ransom, take our free assessment today.
You can also contact Alary Clinitech by phone (416) 291-7377 or email us at to speak with one of our IT professionals today.