The popular Exchange 2007 will soon be coming to the end of its product life cycle. After going into extended support in April of 2012, the program is reaching the end of its 5 year extension and will be losing support from Microsoft April of 2017.
That may seem far away right now, but keep in mind that on May 27th, Microsoft released new upgrades for Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2013 but not for Exchange 2007. The last time Exchange 2007 received an update specific to the program was February of 2014. This either means that Exchange 2007 is perfect and cannot be improved or Microsoft has thrown in the towel on the 8 year old software.
Since being put into extended support, Microsoft is only obligated to update security for Exchange 2007 – assuring that the product is still safe to use with the innovation to the program being put in newer versions like 2010 and 2013. After April 2017, Microsoft will no longer offer any support for the program and users will need to scavenge public forums and blogs for information on how to fix their outdated software.
Although the end of service date isn’t until 2017, users would be wise to upgrade programs before Microsoft’s neglect of Exchange 2007 leaves them stranded. These are the recommended choices:
These programs provide all of the tools you depended on in Exchange 2007. Although upgrading is a drag, moving to a more modern program means opening up your communication to a more modern audience – improving your messaging infrastructure and productivity significantly.
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